Personally Victimized by Gucci

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by Gucci’s new loafers...

   A friend reached out for some fashion advice, as most of my closest friends do, by sending a betchy group text with an image of these loafers. These aren’t just any loafers but a $1,000 pair of Gucci loafers lined with tacky fur around the edges. Can’t picture it? Don’t worry, I have a picture of them for you but be prepared for a confusing combo of a high class shoe and a beast from “Where the Wild Things Are”:

   She did clarify by saying “Not with the fur”, which I responded with “Thank god you said without the fur but either way, NO! Unless you’re a cobbler.” I’m sorry but friends should be there to give real advice and I had to be honest with her and let her know “that was the ugliest f-ing skirt I had ever seen.” Her response to me was “But they’re Gucci you Bitch”, to which I swiftly responded with:

   I’m not trying to be mean but I feel like if you are going to make such an expensive purchase, it better be something cute that sticks out for all the right reasons. It’s like they are some sad combination of a slipper and a loafer that got thrown in a blender of tears and mistakes. I will give it to her that they are not as bad without the fur and she of course can pull off anything including these hideous cobbler shoes, so she has that going for her! But she decided not to take my advice and made a true betch move and bought them anyway.  

   So, let’s talk about the actual shoe, I think there should be a distinct difference in a shoe vs. a slipper and I thought that Gucci would at least understand that. But does anyone remember in the late 90s early 2000s when Birkenstock had something very similar but obvi ten times more heinous.

   Do we really want to rehash that $165 mistake we made then and now pay close to $1,000 for a shoe you will probably get tired of after one wear and will result in a lot of people pointing and laughing at you? I don’t think so! Let’s also think practically here, if they are in fact a fall/winter shoe, don’t you think the fake fur lining will get ruined after one wear. Even in the Gucci ad’s they show stomping around in them in New York City. I know how my shoes fair in the city and those shoes would need to be thrown out after one wear. And if you do decide to buy them, tip #1: Do not, no matter how much you think they’re “cute”, TRY WEARING THEM TO A BAR. These shoes will stick to the floor and you will be doing your walk of shame barefoot and throwing $1,000 down the drain.

   So my advice to you, with all the cute shoes in the world, stay away from these scary cobbler shoes! Unless you’re dressing as the Keebler Elf for Halloween, then go for it girl! Get your Keebler on Betch! But be warned, you may not get the response you were hoping for.